Sugar Addiction Recovery: Find Your “Want To”

Sugar Addiction Recovery

Day #2

Have you ever made a big change or decision in your life?  Chose a college to attend?Got married?  Had a child?  Moved across town or across the country?  These are big decisions.  They are also decisions that make a big impact on your life.  When you think of a big decision you made in the past, that made a big impact on the path of you life, why did you make the decision?  What made you WANT to make this decision?  This is the process you need to go through today.  When I meet with a potential client for my health coaching services, I ask them “Why do you want to make this change?”  Whether their goal is to lose weight, gain control of sugar cravings, find better overall health in trying to get pregnant or whatever, I want to know their motivation.  Are you motivated?  Do you want to overcome the sugar addiction?

Through this month and beyond possibly, we are going to discuss the book “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst.  In her introduction of the book, she titles it “Finding Your ‘Want To.'”  Your want to may be completely different, but I can completely relate to her  mention of being overweight physically and underweight spiritually.  She states she felt God saying,

“I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me.  Then, come follow me.” Sharing Matthew 19:21, “If you want to be perfect (whole), go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me,” Jesus says to the rich man in Matthew.

Personally, I have found sugar addiction is a journey.  The key is not letting sugar rule your life.  Not letting it be a primary staple in your diet, is also good for your health.  We will cover mind, body, and spirit this month.  I am going through this with you.  As Dr. Oz stated in a speech during my health coach training (put aside if you like or dislike the man please), “Learn to take U-Turns.”  Just like when we are taking a trip (journey) somewhere, sometimes we have to make a u-turn to get to our desired destination.  Remember it is okay to make a u-turn.  Sometimes, we will fail.  The key is getting back up and starting towards your destination again.  My destination is optimal health during this life here on Earth.  It is a lifelong journey and goal.  It has already had many u-turns, and this month, I am making one again.  Just like Lysa shares in “Made to Crave,” I am praying for spiritual “want to” versus vanity “want to.”  I am also making the practical choices to better my physical body and mind.  What is your “want to?”  Please share in the comments below and join in on the discussion.

My Prayer for you today:  “Dear Lord, I pray for the men and women who may come across this writing.  May they be blessed and may they know you.  Would you please let them first feel your presence and then give them reassurance they can have victory over their struggles with sugar or any addiction that ailes them.  May I, also, not let food be my god, for you are my one true God.  May I seek you in the moments that I crave. May I crave more of YOU versus the desires of my body and mind that are wanting their next “fix.”  Only by your power, the foods you bless us with here on Earth, and your amazing grace will this possible.  In Jesus’s name, AMEN.”

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  1. Sugar Addiction Recovery: Not Bound By the Numbers - Self-Sufficient HealthSelf-Sufficient Health - […] With giving up sugar, you may or may not lose weight.  If you give up other processed foods and …

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