Self-Sufficient Health: What it Means to Me

Welcome to Self-Sufficient Health.  What does this mean?  To me, it means taking charge of my health and my future, with God’s grace.  I believe we all have the opportunity to live our best lives.  What that may look like to you may be completely different for me.  I believe each of us our uniquely and wonderfully made.  However, I believe with factors in the environment and genetics, each of us may feel our optimal best, living different lifestyles.  It is a self discovery process.  Through this website, I want to search for my personal optimum best healthy lifestyle.

Here are some of the things I want to explore:

*What nourishing foods are best for my body?  My family’s bodies?

*What exercise or movement do I gain the most benefit and maybe even find joyful?

*What reflections in my quiet time with the Lord gives me hope, peace and joy?

*How can I keep the process of seeking optimal health from becoming stressful?

*What things can I do to live a more self-sufficient life?  What skills do I need to learn or enhance?

*What foods can I grow myself?

*How can I preserve these foods or other foods found in season?

*Where can I buy, barter, or forage for the nourishing foods to fit our budget?

*What herbs can I use to heal our bodies, and/or aid our bodies in optimal health?

*What herbs can I grow and preserve for various uses?

*How can I best care for God’s creation, using the resources given to me?

*How can I include my husband and two young children in this process?

These are just a few of the things that I believe will be a part of having self-sufficient health.  Taking charge of my future, seeking optimum health, through self-experimentation, trial and error, and a lot of prayer, I will share this journey.  A journey of natural living, self-sufficiency, and spiritual growth.






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