Sugar Addiction Recovery: I Am Who I Am

Sugar Addiction Recovery

Day #14

In chapter eight of “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst, she titles it “Making Peace with the Realities of My Body.”  This chapter takes us a step deeper into our process of fighting sugar addiction.  Have you made peace with the realities of your body?  In my last post, I shared how we are not defined by the numbers on the scale (like discussed in chapter seven).  Chapter eight takes it a step farther.  Surely, we all have a memory or more of someone critiquing a characteristic of our bodies.  Think about it.  Does it take you long to recall a part of your body you despise?  Do you recall why?  Did someone make a comment about it?

For me, it was my butt for part of my life.  I can remember quite clearly some specific people making comments about my butt getting big.  This was in Elementary school and repeated throughout adolescents. Thankfully, I think, during the middle and high school years, I took some pride in my rear.  Anyone remember, Sir Mix A Lot “Baby Got Back?” Ha!  Yeah. . . maybe not the best choices went with the song but it did help me overcome, so I thought, the negative comments from years earlier.  Yet, despite the teen years, I can still hear these specific people and their comments any time I let the enemy whisper those lies into my soul.  I am who I am.  I am who I am because this is the way God created me.  He created my curves for me.  Not to curse me but to bless me, in my own way.  Some of us may need to seek God’s peace in who he made us and how he shaped us.  You can find that peace.  I have come to appreciate my curves.  Love them would be an over statement, though.  God created me and I am who I am.  I am thankful for who I am because HE created me.  This should and will be enough.  Now, what I choice can I make to be the BEST “I am?”

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