Sugar Addiction Recovery: Use Real Sugar Over Artificial Sweeteners

Sugar Addiction Recovery

Day #5
A Day Late – whoops!

Back in the Spring of 2009 when my journey into natural health was beginning, we eliminated all artificial sweeteners.  Back then, I suffered from headaches and/or migraines quite frequently.  When I discovered the link between artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, and the cause of headaches, I had enough reason for eliminating them. Despite many cases against aspartame with the FDA, it continues to be legal and popular.  It has links to Alzheimer Disease and Parkinson’s disease development.  Who wants to decrease their odds against these diseases?

So a few days ago, I said to start adding in more nourishing foods.  Today, I’m giving you your next baby step, that for many, won’t be too easy.  Eliminate all artificial sweeteners.  If you need the sweetness, use regular white sugar.  Yes, I would prefer honey or maple syrup or molasses as first choices but this is about realistic baby steps to recovery over the cravings/addiction.  For example, drink the regular soda or regular tea versus the diet.  The few calories the label and artificial sweeteners are saving you are far outweighed by the chemical havoc they play on your body, let alone the toxic buildup.

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