Sugar Addiction Recovery: Nourishment for the Body

Sugar Addiction Recovery

Day #3

Originally, I was planning to make these 31 days be a restriction of no sugar for me.  Then I thought about my journey and how it is about continual learning, improvement, and a lot of grace.  We need nourishment for our body more than restriction.  And, well, my birthday is in October and I want to enjoy my birthday weekend with something sweet.  I also feel true recovery with sugar is finding a healthy moderation that works for you.  Personally, I find the key for me is to not let the wagon run me over, as one friend once put it.  We were discussing “falling off the wagon” and she said the wagon ran her over.  Oh my.  Oh my.  God’s grace is all sufficient for you.

Honestly, I know writing this series will naturally make me more aware of my sugar consumption.  At some point in the month, I MAY decide to share the detox I LOVE.  In fact, I probably will do it some time before the holidays are in full swing.  I am just not quite ready to set a start date, just yet.  So today, I just ask that you start becoming more aware of where you are consuming sugar.  Some foods, it will be obvious, like in donuts, candy, or chocolate bars.  Some not so common places that are often overlooked are your condiments and fruit juices.

Secondly and most importantly, I want you to stop thinking so much about the restriction of sugar and start focusing on nourishment for the body.  What will nourish you?  Give you energy?  Sustain energy?  Real. Whole. Foods.

Begin incorporating more foods made by God and not made in a factory.  Vegetables, fruits, whole unprocessed grains, and lean proteins.  Think about what you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Pick one meal to somewhat automate with a whole, real food.  My first choice is breakfast.  I have found having protein for breakfast sustains me much longer through the morning.  For now, I will be having eggs with toast and an apple, or an egg veggie omelet, or a protein shake for breakfast.  What one meal can you automate, and what will be your few options?

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