Sugar Addiction Recovery: Growing Closer to God

Sugar Addiction Recovery

Day #12

Sugar addiction is tough.  We live in a society where sugary substances surround us in the stores, at social functions, and about everywhere.  How do we cope in these situations?  Why are we making this decision?  My reason, just like Lysa Terkeurst’s in Chapter 6 of “Made to Crave”, is two fold.  Yes, I would like to lose weight and have a healthier body.  But, I am giving up sugar and processed food, that act like sugar within my body, to draw closer to God.  As I discussed with a client previously, everyone has a battle in their life.  Food seems to be my battle.  Making healthy food choices is my battle.  If I let it, I can easily let food rule my life.  You can ask my husband or my kids why we don’t keep ice cream in the house regularly.  I.HAVE.NO.CONTROL.  As my daughter once said, “We don’t have ice cream at home, because mommy will eat it all, if we do.”  Yeah, proud moment there, huh?  Not really.

Today, I begin the journey with you in recovering from sugar addiction.  Today, I lean INTO Christ when I want sugar.  Today, I prepare for tomorrow of saying “no” all the time.  I’ll be honest, I don’t really want to do this.  I can think of a thousand reasons why I shouldn’t and why it will be hard and why it isn’t the “right” time.  Ugh!  Food will not rule my life.  I will live what I want to teach.  I will live what I want to teach.

I want everyone to understand the health that can be had by anyone who chooses God made food versus man made foods.  I want everyone to understand God provides for our needs.  I want everyone to understand that God provides healing foods for us.  I want to SHOW you how it can be done.  Now is the time.  In the process, I can’t imagine doing this alone.  I will be growing closer to God.  Trusting him to help me through the choices that abound in front of me.  Are you in?  How are you doing?  Where do you struggle?  Where do you do well?

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  1. Sugar Addiction Recovery: Replacing the Lies - Self-Sufficient HealthSelf-Sufficient Health - […] shared earlier this month how I struggled with hating everything about myself and the way I looked one Sunday …

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