Sugar Addiction Recovery: Crowd It Out!

Sugar Addiction Recovery: Crowd It Out!
Sugar Addiction Recovery

Day #28

Have you ever tried to step into an overcrowded elevator, to only realize you can NOT fit.  Then, you proceed to step back out and wait for the next elevator?  You were crowded out of the first elevator, right?  Well, let’s take this concept into our sugar addiction recovery.  As we move into a new month the end of this week, I am thinking about the next thing to really focus on.  This past month was all about sugar addiction, or if we are really honest, about our desire for food MORE THAN Christ.  Right?

With our focus first on Christ, we can start to crowd out our unhealthy choices with spiritual fulfillment only God can deliver.  We can, however, take actions that can help God transform us from the inside out.  The first thing we can do, is pick a time of day that you will, without a doubt, guard and protect as time to be spent with God.  Open your Bible and learn from HIS word.  Let HIM speak through the Holy Spirit to you.  And if this all sounds like crazy stuff and you just don’t know what it is like to have this kind of personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please send me an e-mail or leave me a comment.

Step #1 – New Habit – Crowd Out our cravings with quality time with Christ.

Tell me.  When will you set this time aside?  Where will you meet with Him?

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  1. Sugar Addiction Recovery: Add In Movement - Self-Sufficient Health - […] have learned our go-to scripts to seek God versus fulfilling our unhealthy cravings.  Our habit of meeting with God …

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